Town planning plays a crucial role in the provision of services to developers, local and state government, the residential, agricultural, industrial, commercial and tourism sectors as well as individual client’s needs.
Ardill Payne & Partners’ town planning team follows each project from conception right through to development approval providing a stream-lined service to the client.
APP's Town Planning Department provides services for...
- Preliminary planning advice on development projects
- Preparation of development applications (local, integrated and designated development)
- Preparation of rezoning submissions (Planning proposals)
- Preparation of Development Control Plans
- Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements
- Preparation of Review of Environmental Factors
- Presentation documentation
- Conduct of public consultation
Some of our recent/current projects include:
RSL LifeCare Integrated Retirement Village, Evans Head
preparation of development application and statement of environmental effects (approx. $80 million project)
Avalon Estate Residential Subdivision, Wollongbar
preparation of development application and statement of environmental effects (140 lot subdivision)
RSL LifeCare Integrated Retirement Village, Suffolk Park
preparation of development application and statement of environmental effects (approx. $20 million project)
Ballina Heights Estate, Cumbalum
preparation of Development Control Plan (approx. 750 lot urban subdivision)
preparation of development application and statement of environmental effects (approx. 210 and 190 residential lots)
Cumbalum Urban Release Area, Cumbalum
preparation of rezoning submission
APP’s Town Planning Department provides services for...



Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have a broad knowledge of and expertise in preparing development applications (DA) and statements of environmental effects (SEE) for all types of residential development, including dwelling-houses (urban, rural and coastal), secondary dwellings (granny-flats), dual occupancies (urban and rural) and multi dwelling housing/residential flat developments (including multi storey residential buildings and complexes).
We have prepared DA/SEE’s for first home buyers, private developers and Government housing providers. We are conversant with local Council’s residential DCP provisions, SEPP 65 – Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development, SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and BASIX. We provide design and planning advice to proponents, architects and building designers so as to ensure that any housing development is functional, attractive and energy efficient.
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have a broad range of experience in all types of land and building subdivision including:
- strata title (of residential, commercial and industrial developments)
- stratum (of commercial buildings)
- boundary adjustments between existing lots (rural, residential, industrial and commercial)
- small and large residential subdivisions (e.g. Ballina Heights Estate - Cumbalum, Avalon Estate - Wollongbar, Fairview Estate – Kootingal, Lennox Meadows Estate – Lennox Head)
- commercial and industrial subdivisions
We work with our in-house surveyor (or any consulting surveyors) to ensure that the subdivision is designed in a manner that is functional, practical and will achieve sound planning principles and outcomes.
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have a broad and detailed knowledge of all manner of commercial development including changes of use (including complying development applications as per SEPP (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, shops, offices, shopping centres/complexes, cafés/restaurants and the like.
Some of the larger commercial projects that we have provided Town Planning assistance (preparing and lodging DA/SEE) include:
- Alterations and additions to Ballina Fair Shopping Centre
- Harvey Norman Bulky Goods Complex in Ballina
- Alterations and additions to the Ballina RSL Club
- Byron Integrated Medicine
- Alterations and additions to Lennox Head Service Station
- Alterations and additions to Ballina-Byron Gateway Airport terminal building
- Alterations and additions to Ocean Shores Shopping Centre
- Alterations and additions to Evans Head supermarket
- An environmental educational establishment at Cumbalum
- Timber boardwalks in the Richmond River and North Creek, for the Ballina RSL Club and Crowley respectively



Planning Proposals (Rezoning)
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have a broad and detailed knowledge of all types of industrial development including general industries, light industries, extractive industries (quarries, turf farms) and rural industries. Ardill Payne & Partners recently prepared a DA/EIS for a waste management facility (comprising a waste transfer station) under the provisions of Division 23 of SEPP (Infrastructure) 2008 at Pimlico. Our planners are conversant with SEPP 33 – Hazardous and Offensive Development and local Council’s industrial DCPs.
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have a broad and detailed knowledge of rural land uses and issues, including the importance of protecting and nurturing sustainable and productive agriculture and horticulture, minimising land use conflict, reducing urban sprawl and protecting rural amenity, character and landscapes.
Our Planners are conversant with the provisions of SEPP (Rural Lands) 2008, the Northern Rivers Farmland Protection Project, Living and Working in Rural Areas – A handbook for managing land use conflict issues on the NSW North Coast and all other relevant DCPs and EPIs.
Planning Proposals (Rezoning)
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners are fully conversant with and have prepared numerous planning proposals (rezoning submissions) for private developers and Councils. Our planners are conversant with Part 3 of the EP & A Act 1979, Section 117 Directions and the DoP’s Planning Proposals – A Guide to Preparing Planning Proposals (August 2016) and all other relevant legislation. We have prepared rezoning submissions/planning proposals for large urban expansion areas (e.g. Cumbalum Urban Release Area – A, Wollongbar Urban Expansion Area) and smaller urban, rural and rural residential rezonings. APP’s Planners have been commissioned by Ballina Council to prepare the Planning Proposal for the Southern Cross Industrial Precinct Expansion.

Development Control Plans

Tourist and Visitor Accommodation

Seniors Living and Affordable Housing
Development Control Plans
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have prepared numerous development control plans for private developers and Councils. Principal, Paul Snellgrove was also a private industry representative on a Ballina Council consultative panel during its preparation of the Ballina DCP 2006. DCP’s have been prepared for urban expansion areas (e.g. Cumbalum Urban Release Area-A and Wollongbar Urban Expansion Area) and large greenfield residential subdivisions (e.g. Ballina Heights). Our Planners are also conversant with the content and operation of the Northern Rivers Council’s DCPs as they work with these on a daily basis.
Tourist and Visitor Accommodation
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have prepared numerous applications and provided detailed planning advice for B&B’s, farm stays, holiday cabins, mobile home parks, camping grounds, motels and the like. Projects that we have recently worked on include Riverside Evans Head, Yamba Waters, Casino RV Park, Grafton Caravan Park as well as holiday cabin developments at Newrybar, Fernleigh, a motel on the corner of Kerr and River Streets, Ballina. Tourism (including tourist and visitor accommodation) comprises a very important part of the economic well-being and employment opportunities in the Northern Rivers and is thus important from a land use and planning perspective.
Seniors Living and Affordable Housing
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have prepared numerous development applications and statements of environmental effects for both seniors housing and affordable housing developments for a number of private developers and social housing providers, including Crowley Care Services Ballina, RSL LifeCare Ballina and Suffolk Park, BaptistCare Alstonville and Lismore and Saint Andrews Ballina. Our town planners are conversant with the provisions of SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 and SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and appreciate the importance of such purpose built and adaptable housing for the well-being of the community and for the aging population.

Quarries and Extractive Industries
Quarries and Extractive Industries
Ardill Payne & Partners' Town Planners have prepared numerous development applications (DA) and environmental impact statements (EIS) for sand, gravel and hard rock quarries in the Northern Rivers and in Gunnedah. Our Planners are conversant with the designated development provisions of the EP & A Act 1979 and EP & A Regulation 2000 and SEPP (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) 2007. The sand quarries have included extraction from sand slugs in riverine systems at Rappville and from agricultural land on the coastal floodplain at Newrybar. The gravel and hard rock quarries have been from resources at Bagotville and Uralba. The preparation of an EIS requires a lot of high level technical investigation and reporting, as well as extensive and community, Council and State Government consultation during the preparation of the EIS.
Principal, Paul Snellgrove worked for Ballina Council for 14 years and was responsible for the management of SEPP 37 – continued mines and extractive industries (now repealed) and for assessing numerous development applications for quarries in Ballina Shire.